January 22, 2025



3.除毛膏:以乳,膏狀的化學物質敷在欲除毛位置來溶解毛髮中的蛋白質,破壞毛髮結構讓其變得柔軟,易刮除. 除毛膏不適合用於臉部及私密處,同時也有過敏的風險,皮膚敏感的人要慎選除毛膏產品.激光脫毛機


5. 施打後3天內,避免使用刺激性藥品,如A酸,果酸,及去角質類的保養品,也勿處於高溫場所,如三溫暖,暖爐旁,烤箱,泡溫泉,照射紅外線儀等.


當分泌物呈現乳白結塊及豆腐渣樣,感染念珠菌陰道炎(黴菌感染)的機率偏高. 可能伴隨陰部搔癢,刺痛,紅腫發炎,小便疼痛等不適,少數還會有異味產生. 念珠菌陰道炎大部分是因為陰道環境酸鹼值失衡,導致好菌菌叢被破壞,念珠菌孳生所導致.


黑色棘皮症,是一種發生在大腿內側,腋下,後頸部,在腳面上,及在手指非關節部位以外的皮膚, 原本是一種黑的色素沉澱,長久皮膚摩擦之後,會變得比較硬,像棘皮一樣,故稱黑色棘皮症. 通常發生在40歲以下的年輕人,在女性通常一般是在青春發育期之後,因為體重持續上升有多囊性卵巢症,比較容易發生.


海神雷射除毛後避免曬太陽,基本的防曬和保濕更不能少. 海神雷射除毛術後1~2週後配合醫師複診,可進行術後護理工作,強化保濕,美白及縮小毛孔,使除毛後的部位更見白嫩.


A : 由於冰肌無痛雷射除毛無需配合毛髮生長週期,因此比起傳統治療約可減少一半的間隔時間,一般來說腋毛部位2-3週便可進行下次治療,而手腳部位僅需3-4周,實際情形還須由專業醫師評估個人肌膚狀況而定.


毛髮可以減少皮膚所受到的摩擦,毛髮有保暖,禦寒的功能,不過隨著生物性演化與社會化的結果,毛髮對人類而言,外觀的重要性已經遠遠超過功能上的意義. 對美觀而言,該長的沒長,或是不該長的長了,對於社交生活或多或少都會造成影響. 尤其在炎熱的夏天,女士們愛穿清涼衣物,濃密的體毛的確很惱人.


癌患接受化療時若有用到紫杉醇類藥物就可能會有大量掉髮的副作用,所以像是乳癌,卵巢癌,子宮頸癌需要用到全身性藥物的患者,在接受治療的過程中常見掉髮問題. 肺癌患者也是歐洲紫杉醇或太平洋紫杉類藥物比較容易掉髮.

Are blue lasers bad?

The human eye is less sensitive to the colors blue and violet. That is why, according to the FDA, blue or violet light lasers can be particularly dangerous. The blinking or dodging response will be slower with these colors than the one with red or green lights.

Is laser hair removal bad for you?

Rarely, laser hair removal can cause blistering, crusting, scarring or other changes in skin texture. Other rare side effects include graying of treated hair or excessive hair growth around treated areas, particularly on darker skin.

Posted by: fsrhytu at 07:24 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 122 words, total size 3 kb.

January 12, 2025



在現在不同地區一兩所代表的克數並不相同,在國內一斤為500克,一兩則是50克. 香港和澳門採用相同的計量方式,即一斤16兩. 一斤為600克,一兩則是37.429克,十六分之一司馬斤,即約37.8克.


白金屬於維氏硬度(表示施加壓力時不易變形的程度)特別高的Color Gold. 具體來說,K14的維氏硬度是165(Hv),K10的維氏硬度是190(Hv). 兩種純度的硬度均較純金的25(Hv)高上許多,其中K10的白金更是堅硬.


家宴要收禮金嗎? 了解家宴紅包規定 家宴一樣可以收禮金,不過,因為家宴桌數比較少,有些新人與雙方家長便會達成共識,決定不收禮金,單純邀請親友齊聚一堂,與你們分享結為夫妻的喜悅,如果你是即將前往家宴的賓客,且新人決定不收禮金,建議你精心挑選一份禮物,藉此傳達新婚美滿的美好祝福.




例如:3,000 元雖屬偶數,但是扣除尾數「0」的話是3 結尾,因此還是不太適合用來包紅包喔,以此類推,像是5,000 元,7,000 元都不適合拿來包紅包!




結婚女方應該準備多少錢? 女方主要的開支為「小聘」的費用,其餘結婚花費則由男女雙方討論來分配,只要雙方能接受即可. 也有一說,女方支付訂婚費用,而男方支付婚宴費用.

紅包 8000 可以嗎?

過年紅包父母,長輩行情價怎麼包? 包給父母,長輩的紅包,行情價通常在6,000元起跳,也有不少人會包6,600元,8,000元等有吉祥意義的數字,不過每個人的經濟能力都不同,若是剛出社會的年輕人,可以從3,600元開始包,父母和公婆要比祖父母再包多一點,往後逐年再慢慢遞增,但最好不要縮水.公務員 清數


而父母禮行情金額基本NT$1200元起,有些新人包NT$6000元,也有些新人包NT$12,000元. 父母禮將依個人心意及財力狀況而有所不同,沒有一個絕對值. 而父母禮行情往往都比小聘小包,只要掌握這個原則即可. 此外父母禮基本上是新娘的父母親各一包,如果沒有則可以省略.過大禮禮金

娶媳婦 如何恭喜?

百年好合,永浴愛河,神仙眷屬,新婚誌喜,相親相愛,永結同心,才子佳人,愛情永固,天作之合,心心相印,螽斯衍慶,鴻案相莊,如鼓琴瑟,花開並蒂,赤繩繫足,琴瑟和鳴,相敬如賓,同德同心,鳳凰于飛,美滿家庭,鸞鳳和鳴,白頭偕老,瓜瓞延綿,情投意合,宜室宜家,佳偶天成,百年琴瑟,百年偕老,花好月圓,福祿鴛鴦,夫唱婦隨,珠聯璧合, ...公務員 貸款

Posted by: fsrhytu at 05:25 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 53 words, total size 4 kb.

December 31, 2024

Why is it called a condominium?

Why is it called a condominium?

Condominium is a Latin word coined from the word dominium, meaning "control, ownership," with the prefix "together." Therefore, its meaning is "co-governance" or "shared ownership."

What are the disadvantages of high-rise apartments?

Cons of High Floors

If the elevator is out of order or under maintenance, it can be a waste of time. Also, during busy times you may have to wait for your turn. Emergencies: Evacuating a building during an emergency such as a fire can be difficult. 安全套尺寸

Why do British people say flat instead of apartment?

The word flat comes from the Old Scots/Old English word 'flet'. Fret is the interior of the house. Some also believe that this expression is here to stay because most apartments are on one floor and by definition the accommodation is within the apartment (i.e. there are no indoor stairs). The country continues to have a housing shortage.

Why is it better to live in a house than in an apartment?

One of the main benefits of buying a home is that it gives you more space and flexibility. You can enjoy features you won't find in an apartment, such as multiple rooms, a garden, a garage, and a loft.

What is the double disadvantage?

Double disadvantage refers to situations in which people are economically and socially disadvantaged.condom牌子

Is it a good idea to live in an apartment?

Condos also offer community living that single-family homes can't offer, such as shared spaces, amenities, and events. It's much easier to travel and live in different regions for different seasons when you have the peace of mind that everything will be resolved once you lock the door.

Why is it better to live in an apartment?

For first-time buyers or those looking for a more affordable investment in certain real estate markets, condos are clearly a great option. The concept of a shared space is appealing. Condominiums can also be a great idea for reasons such as shared amenities, community involvement, and proximity to urban areas.

What are the side effects of removing it?

risk. There are no direct risks to using withdrawal methods to prevent pregnancy. However, it is not effective in preventing sexually transmitted diseases. Some couples feel that withdrawal methods interfere with sexual pleasure.

How can I get the most out of my condo?

How to make the most of your condo space from small units
Everything has a dual purpose.
Keep your condo unit organized and tidy.
Please put it aside.
The brighter it is, the bigger it is.
Proper blend.
>Monochrome effect.
Push back.
Look through the glass.
Detailed items...

Can you use Vaseline in condoms?

If the condom is made of latex, Vaseline cannot be used as a lubricant. Only use water-based lubricants, such as K-Y Jelly, with latex condoms. Oil-based lubricants such as Vaseline can damage condoms and cause them to break.

Posted by: fsrhytu at 11:41 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 488 words, total size 3 kb.

December 18, 2024



銀行 方案 總費用年百分率
凱基銀行 信貸神助攻 1.91%~16.78%
中國信託 Online貸 3.33%~14.87%
玉山銀行 e指信貸 3.35%~14.63%
台新銀行 Richart信貸 2.05%~15.06
尚有 18 列


快速總結 養車的成本包含車位租金,油錢,税,保險,保養維修,更換輪胎,停車費,雜支等. 以一台2,500c.c自用小客車試算,一年養車成本大約為15萬元,相當於每個月要12,500元. 而用比較節省的情境來算的話,一年養車成本也要6萬多元,相當於每個月要5,300元.


重點摘要 比特幣(Bitcoin,BTC)可以被分割,因此一次不需要買一整顆,可以依照自己的需求與預算,買入需要的數量就好,最低不到500 新台幣就能入手. 比特幣每顆可被分成1 億個單位,最小單位稱為「1聰(sats)」,也就是0.00000001 (一億分之一)顆比特幣(約0.02 新台幣).


Q2. 信貸利率多少合理? 若是優質客戶,利率大概落在2%-5%,若是一般企業員工則是2.5%-11%,而未登記公司的員工或從事兼職工作,利率則大約是6%-16%.私人貸款提早還款




(一)您可利用金融卡至全國各銀行自動提款機[ATM]轉帳還款:[銀行代號810,轉帳帳號為您的卡片帳號](此方式最方便,最節省時間). (二)匯款繳款:[填寫匯款單,匯款行庫需填寫您的魔力卡的發卡分行,帳號為您的卡片帳號].



jet sr停產了嗎?

以現在綜觀結果來看,搭載水冷系統的機車確實擁有許多優點,像是散熱佳,省油以及耐用等,不過還是氣冷配備的SYM JET SR到現在還是能熱賣,而沒有進而停產,就代表仍然有吸引人的優點!息隨本減公式



一樣以貸款30萬元,分攤到5年攤還計算,每月付款金額大約在5,300元左右,另外還計算出需要支付多少「總利息」做為參考,方便判斷出申請哪家銀行最划算.4 日前



Posted by: fsrhytu at 03:40 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 56 words, total size 4 kb.

December 12, 2024

When to stop using salicylic aci...

When to stop using salicylic acid?

Doctors usually suggest that you continue the treatment for at least twelve weeks before deciding whether or not it has worked for you. It is also often advised that you continue to exfoliate even after your acne symptoms have improved if you skin is still prone to acne blemishes.

What is the main hazard of salicylic acid?

Ingestion: Causes gastrointestinal irritation with nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. May cause ``salicylism''; characterized by headache, dizziness, ringing in the ears, hearing difficulty, visual disturbances, mental confusion, drowsiness, sweating thirst, hyperventilation, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.牙肉腫痛涼茶

Can I go in the sun with salicylic acid?

Direct sunlight should be avoided during peak hours of the day, especially between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. This is especially important when including salicylic in your skincare routine, since the exfoliating effects of this ingredient can leave your skin more vulnerable to harmful UV rays.

How long after salicylic acid can I go in the sun?

Salicylic acid (sometimes referred to as BHA) does not increase skin's sensitivity towards the sun. You still should be using a sunscreen most day of the year, whether or not you are using a salicylic acid, but no extra precautions are needed for this exfoliating ingredient.

What cannot mix with salicylic acid?

Using Salicylic Acid with Retinol or Benzoyl Peroxide can dry out the skin, causing flakiness and redness.

Where not to put salicylic acid?

Do not take by mouth. Benzoic acid and salicylic acid is for use only on the skin. Do not use this medicine on open wounds or on sunburned, windburned, dry, chapped, or irritated skin. If this medicine gets in your eyes, nose, mouth, rectum, or vagina, rinse with water.防脹氣奶樽比較

Why you shouldn't use salicylic acid everyday?

Using salicylic acid face wash daily can have some side effects. It may cause skin dryness, redness, or irritation. Overuse can compromise the skin barrier, leading to dryness. To prevent dryness, use a salicylic acid body wash and lotion.

Who can not use salicylic acid?

Do not use salicylic acid and urea topical on a child younger than 2 years old. This medication should not be used on a child or teenager who has a fever, especially if the child also has flu symptoms or chicken pox. Salicylates can cause a serious and sometimes fatal condition called Reye's syndrome in children.水楊酸注意事項

Do dermatologists recommend salicylic acid?

The Ordinary Salicylic Acid 2% Solution -

The Ordinary Salicylic Acid Solution is also a dermatologist-recommended lightweight and easy-to-apply product containing salicylic acid. The formulation is fragrance-free and contains simple ingredients and helps to soothe and hydrate the skin.

Who should avoid salicylic acid?

Also, do not use this medicine if you are a diabetic or if you have poor blood circulation. Do not use this medicine on warts with hair growing from them or on warts on the face, in or on the genital (sex) organs, or inside the nose or mouth. Also do not use on moles or birthmarks. To do so may cause severe irritation.

Posted by: fsrhytu at 10:17 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 514 words, total size 4 kb.

December 05, 2024

What unit is KI?

What unit is KI?

k and Ki stand for kilo-(thousand) and kibi-(binary thousand) respectively. When used as prefixes, k stands for 1,000 and Ki stands for 1,024, because [Ki" comes from its use in computers as 210 = 1,024. Unfortunately , people often mistakenly use K instead of Ki.

What to use to clean wounds?

When disinfecting and cleaning the wound, you should confirm that there is no dirt left in the wound. You can clean the wound with clean water or saline (0.9% sodium chloride solution) to remove dirt. For foreign objects that cannot be washed away, such as sand and pebbles, you can use clean water to clean the wound. Use gauze and cotton swabs to remove. After cleaning the wound, you can use iodophor for disinfection. It is recommended to wipe 3-5 cm around the center of the wound from the inside out. It should be noted that alcohol is not suitable for cleaning damaged wounds.

What does the English abbreviation ATM mean?

The translation of atm is now (abbreviation of at the moment, mostly used in social media or mobile phone text messages, etc.), ATM (abbreviation of automated teller machine) - now (abbreviation of at the moment, mostly used in social media or mobile phone text messages, etc.), ATM, automated teller machine (abbreviation for automated teller machine)-

What can’t you bring through airport security?

Items prohibited in checked and carry-on baggage

Compressed gases, corrosive substances, poisons, flammable liquids, mercury, lethal weapons, acids, oxidizing or explosive substances, radioactive substances, magnetic materials and undeclared ammunition None are allowed on board as checked or carry-on baggage. Firearms and ammunition must be handled securely in accordance with airport authority regulations.aspiradoras de cama

What does it mean for a watch to be 30 meters waterproof?

When the watch is marked: 3ATM (3BAR/30 meters) waterproof, it means that it is suitable for daily use and cannot be used for long-term swimming; it can resist a small amount of hand-washing and face splashing and rain. 5ATM (5BAR/50 meters) waterproof , it means that it is suitable for short-distance swimming in shallows and cannot be used for diving or snorkeling.

Does baking soda really clean a mattress?

Keeping your mattress clean isn't only essential for your health but promotes comfortable sleeping during the night by getting rid of dust, stains, allergens, and odours. Baking soda is one of the most reliable techniques for cleaning a mattress.

Does vacuuming remove bed bugs?

Many bed bugs on the surface may be removed through vacuuming alone, but you will need a deeper treatment to ensure complete eradication. In any case, vacuuming your mattress regularly throughout the year is important.

What product can damage a car's paint?

The enemies of paint: Bird droppings & Co

It sounds cute but it's very annoying for drivers. Honeydew is the excrement of aphids. They suck the juice from the linden leaves and expel the sticky sugar. Under the blazing sun, this film can burn the paint.

What detergent to use for mopping?

The main component of bleach is sodium hypochlorite, which can effectively disinfect and clean the environment. It is also very cheap and easy to obtain. As long as it is used correctly and a little bleach is added when mopping, the floor can be mopped clean. It also makes the environment safer during the epidemic.

What power does a handheld vacuum cleaner have to have to be powerful?

How powerful does a handheld vacuum cleaner have to be? The ideal power when buying a handheld vacuum cleaner is the one that allows you to achieve the best possible results in a more comfortable way, so the corded standard is set between 300 W and 400 W for the most powerful models.

Posted by: fsrhytu at 03:31 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 626 words, total size 4 kb.

November 22, 2024

Is carpet full of bacteria?

Is carpet full of bacteria?

There are over 200,000 bacteria in every square inch of carpet, including some truly sickening germs, such as MERSA, campylobacter and norovirus. And that's not even counting the insects such as dust mites or allergens such as pollen, pet dander and mold that collect in your carpet's fibers.

What type of carpet should you recommend that the family buy?

Plush carpets like cut piles and shag are super soft and cozy, perfect for kids. They also hide footprints and vacuum cleaner tracks. Loop carpets like Berber have more texture or patterns and keep looking good for a long time.


我們誠心建議,最好不要「丟洗衣機洗地毯」! 大多數的地毯,只會越洗越髒! 可以看看地毯上的洗滌標籤,都會明確禁止用一般水洗方式. 「一般人都不知道,清潔地毯的第一件事,就是盡可能的把所有乾泥土,灰塵,垃圾移除」,這就是為什麼都不能水洗的原因.







由於小蘇打粉及過碳酸鈉皆為「鹼性」,因此較適合用於清除浴室磁磚上的「皮脂,油污」等酸性污垢. 對於偏鹼的水垢或尿垢等,清潔效果就比較有限. 在浴室除黴方面,建議使用鹼性更強且具有氧化效果的過碳酸鈉,改善浴室磁磚發霉的效果會比小蘇打粉來得更明顯.

Does water damage carpet?

If your home had a water leak that made it to your carpeting, it's essentially a race against time to prevent unwanted fungal and bacterial growth to take hold and start leaving their telltale black splotches. But a water-damaged carpet doesn't just look bad-it can have lasting structural and health consequences.


業界最大容量22kg的[Panasonic 國際牌]直立式洗衣機
All in One的[LG樂金]洗衣機




這幾種家用清潔劑,小心不要混著 用!] 很多人打掃有個迷思,認為一種清潔劑有效,如果同時 混用兩種,功效會加倍. 但是專家提醒,這就像是在沒 有保護措施的情況下做化學實驗,後果可能不堪設想.地毯清洗机推荐

Posted by: fsrhytu at 06:03 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 201 words, total size 4 kb.

December 15, 2023

Pregnant women with these 3 characteristics should opt for a C-section anyway!

With the advancement of science and technology, pregnant women have multiple options when it comes to labor, namely cesarean section. However, when it comes to the choice between natural delivery and cesarean section, a general practitioner may advise a pregnant woman to opt for natural delivery. What are these last resort scenarios unless it is absolutely necessary?剖腹產寶寶 If every pregnant woman has these three characteristics, it is safer for the mother and the child to opt for a cesarean section even if they are reluctant to do so, and pregnant women can have a clear understanding of them before delivery so that they can give birth safely.

The first characteristic: giant babies. Pregnant mothers during pregnancy as a result of supplementing themselves too much nutrition, and the fetus after absorbing these different nutritional problems of ours carries on the weight will become heavier, thus affecting the body size will also be larger than one. And due to the size of our fetus is too large, if you can choose to have a normal delivery, it will bring economic pressure to the birth canal of the pregnant mother, and it is likely to be difficult to deliver. This work time with cesarean section is the best choice for the baby, but also can reduce the pregnant mother's discomfort during labor.

The second characteristic: abnormal fetal position. In natural labor, the baby's head usually comes out first. If it does not come out from the head, but from the feet or other parts of the body, this is an abnormal fetal position. If a pregnant woman has such a feature, then no matter how reluctant she is, she must opt for a cesarean section. The fetus does not come out first. This is likely to result in a lack of oxygen to the fetus, which is very dangerous. If it is safer to opt for a mother and baby cesarean section, the doctor will also advise the pregnant woman to opt for a cesarean section if she arrives at the prenatal checkup and finds out that the position of the fetus is not correct.

The third characteristic: the first child cesarean section. Generally speaking, if the first child is born by C-section, the possibility of the baby being delivered naturally in the future is very small. This is because the reason for choosing C-section at the time of birth is that the mother's own condition is not suitable for a normal delivery, so this is the only time to choose C-section. Of course, if the C-section at the birth of the first child is not because of their own conditions, but simply afraid of pain, then the chances of natural delivery of the second child is still very high.

Although cesarean section can reduce the risk of difficult labor, it is still recommended that pregnant women can choose natural delivery rather than cesarean section because of the fear of pain. Without these three characteristics, a C-section should not be considered a form of childbirth. After all, a C-section can affect both the pregnant woman and the fetus to some extent.

Many expectant mothers choose C-section because of these three characteristics, while others choose C-section because of fear of pain or other reasons.

Related articles:

Let's talk about cesarean section in the era of two babies

Why does it take 15 minutes to remove the fetus for a cesarean section?

The best time for cesarean section, not 38 weeks more not 40 weeks

Posted by: fsrhytu at 07:23 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 592 words, total size 4 kb.

September 25, 2023

Brush baby utensils do not use the dishcloth at home



Royal favorite wood pulp sponge, baby tableware should be brushed separately cleaning sponge manufacturers .

I bought this wooden pulp sponge for my daughter, who washed her plate separately after adding the supplementary food. Because the cutlery had to be brushed separately from the adult's, the adult's RAG had oil and salt on it, sponge scrubber manufacturers which was unkind to Darling, and the mothers understood.

I chose this Royal Pampering wood pulp sponge for him, which is specially used to clean the baby's tableware, and the effect is really good. Although it is thin, it swells immediately after contact with water, which is especially nourishing and elastic.

One of the characteristics of wood pulp sponge is to absorb oil, it is particularly clean after cleaning, and then gently rinse the water to clean. It has a separate little lanyard above each, washed and hung on the wall, dry and hard, not easy to breed something bad, bacteria and other baby into the stomach, Darling is not good.

Moreover cleaning sponge wholesale , there are two characters of baby behind the wood pulp sponge, so don't worry that the old people at home will use it wrong. Sisters now recommend to shoot 4, because the fourth time you arrive in 0 yuan, arrange the baby quickly. Brush the baby with a small bowl, pot and spoon.



Posted by: fsrhytu at 06:26 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 278 words, total size 3 kb.

April 27, 2023

Intelligent unmanned forklifts are becoming increasingly popular for a variety of reasons

A forklift is a kind of industrial robot that is widely used in our industrial environment and belongs to the category of wheeled mobile robots. It is capable of driving through a predetermined path and traveling between the starting point and destination according to the set route, as well as performing various material handling tasks automatically. What other functions makes it widely used? Here, you'll be able to interact with the wood ant robot directly.

Flexible and intelligent. It is unaffected by the site and space environment, allowing for multiple actions such as picking up, moving, transporting, lifting and dropping. It is widely used in the fields of goods transfer and distribution, production line material transportation, production line assembly, etc.

The rapid development of technology has reduced robotic forkliftdependence on specific environments and made them more adaptable. From early tracking navigation to current trackless navigation, the environment has become increasingly adaptable. As a result of its accuracy and convenience, laser navigation is currently the most popular navigation method;

Under the influence of the epidemic, enterprises have even seen an increase in labor costs, recruitment difficulties and other problems. As a result of the epidemic, enterprises began to seek out automatic handling robots, which can reduce the labor intensity of workers, reduce enterprise costs, and increase business efficiency;;

In narrow lanes, harsh and dangerous environments, unmanned forklifts can replace manual handling.

5. It is possible to work for 7X24 hours at a time. In addition to losing their bodies, workers can also get fatigued while driving, which can lead to safety accidents, while an unmanned forklift can be operated continuously within the scene by automatically charging or manually replacing the battery, and can achieve the range by automatically charging or manually replacing the battery.

Related article reading:

Unmanned forklifts are widely used in warehouses for what reasons?

Your storage becomes more flexible with robot unmanned forklifts

Your storage becomes more flexible with robot unmanned forklifts

Posted by: fsrhytu at 06:15 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 336 words, total size 3 kb.

June 17, 2019






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Posted by: fsrhytu at 09:36 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 40 words, total size 16 kb.

June 03, 2019
















Posted by: fsrhytu at 04:49 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 15 words, total size 4 kb.

May 24, 2019



大學 音樂系是可以留意博文及社會科學學院的文化與創意藝術、數學與資訊科技、健康與體育學系。








普通大學和學院之間真的會有很大的差距嗎?普通大學的學生能否進入研究生院 ...


Posted by: fsrhytu at 07:06 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 14 words, total size 6 kb.

May 07, 2019







歐亞美創醫學專家指出, 由於其皮膚具有良好的彈性, 不會出現皮膚鬆弛, 避免了皮膚外的切口瘢痕。術後不腫脹,手術更加安全



3. 定期去角質


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經過歐亞美創的邀請,我於銅鑼站的分店進行韓國 HIFU 高能聚焦超聲波療程的試做。歐亞美創集團,已經擁有超過30年的纖體美容經驗,而且全香港及澳門擁有 8 間分店,近年更發展國內事業,迅速拓展至12間,可以給予大家充足的信心。


5. 痘痘肌的潔面方式









不同年齡的女士們都有不同需求,例如年輕女士希望美白保濕,而美魔女們就希望可以去紋提亮。歐亞美創醫學專家指 水光槍最大的好處就是可因應每個客人不同的需求調整效果,可以同時加入不同的成份在針劑中,同時達到多方面改善。









Posted by: fsrhytu at 07:08 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 43 words, total size 11 kb.

April 15, 2019




















拯救幹膚 應對保濕死角



Posted by: fsrhytu at 09:26 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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March 27, 2019













Posted by: fsrhytu at 12:56 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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